Solar Timeshare: Buying Kilowatts from Each Other

Yeloha, a new, Boston-based, peer-to-peer solar startup, allows anyone to go solar, even if they live in a rented apartment, have a roof blocked by a shady tree or don’t have the funds to buy panels. Customers can sign up for the service either as a “sun host” or “sun partner”.
Potential sun host homeowners have a roof suitable for solar, but can’t afford panels. Yeloha will install the panels for free in exchange for access to the solar power the panels create. Sun hosts also get about a third of the electricity created by the panels for free, translating to lower monthly power bills.
The remaining power is distributed to the sun partners—customers that want to go solar, but don’t have a proper roof or own their home. Sun partners can buy as many solar credits as they’d like from Yeloha at a price that’s less than what they’d normally pay to their utility. The service is currently operating in Massachusetts only, but has plans for expansion across the country.
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