Nurses Stand Up Against Climate Change

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Nurses, the most numerous and trusted health profession in the world, have organized the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and partnered with Project Drawdown to significantly impact climate change. Together, they are working to help decrease greenhouse gas emissions and create a healthier future for humans and the planet. Nurses from all specialties and in all practice settings are encouraged to take action in five key areas.
Energy: Supporting a clean energy future by promoting energy efficiency and advocating for a transition to renewable energy.
Food: Committing to a plant-based diet, use of clean cook stoves and reduced food waste.
Mobility: Supporting bike infrastructure, walkable cities and mass transit.
Gender equity: Educating girls and family planning.
Nature-based solutions: Planting trees, protecting tropical forests and forest protection.
Founded in 2014, nonprofit Project Drawdown seeks to help the world reach “drawdown”, the point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.
View upcoming Project Drawndown events.